The Hail Glow

T H E  H A I L  G L O W

The Hail Glow is a multidimensional experience bringing together human and animal, grief and transcendence, the real and visionary.

Central to the exhibition was the publication of a booklet comprising a short story by Jim Carter and audio by myself. The story has the quality of a traditional fairy tale, complete with the beauty and savagery of the animal kingdom which the music interprets through broader themes of journeys and cycles, loss and redemption. The exhibition also included sculpture by Jim Carter and photographs by myself.

The Hail Glow book is limited to an edition of 50.

Each comprises of a hand embossed Fedrigoni, 280gsm, laid card outer and cover with inner inkjet printed onto recycled, Devon milled paper and inkjet printed CD-R. Each hand bound using linen thread.



23rd October – 5th November 2017
Mon – Sat, 10am-4pm
Private View: 27th October, 6-8pm

Circa 21
21 Market Jew Street
TR18 2HR


23rd June – 24th July 2018
Mon – Sat, 10am-5pm

St. Ives
TR26 2DS